Bearded Irises
Tall Bearded, Intermediate Bearded, Border Bearded, & Arilbred Irises
(J. Terry Aitken, R. 2006), SDB, 10.5”, midseason to very late bloom.
Bright pink self, fuchsia purple spot on falls; beards coral pink.
Honorable Mention 2008; Award of Merit 2010.
(Carol Coleman, 2012), SDB, 10.5"-13”, early bloom season.
Standards pale green-yellow, midrib dark purple; style arms pale green-yellow, brilliant blue-purple midrib, edge pale-purple, small very pale purple eyelash lines above stigmatic lip; Falls strong purple, dark purple thumbprint around beard, small pale green-yellow front edge; beard base mid-orange in throat and middle, brilliant blue-purple at end, tips brilliant blue-purple in middle and light blue at end; purple based foliage; slight sweet fragrance.
Honorable Mention 2015, Award Of Merit 2017
(Thomas Johnson, 2017), SDB, 14", Late midseason bloom.
Standards tan to muted yellow; style arms light blue; Falls large brown spot encircled by a diffused yellow edge blending to a lavender washed band, yellow edge; beards brown and tangerine in throat, ends bushy blue; slight fragrance.
Honorable Mention 2022
(Randall Moore, 2021), TB, 38", midseason bloom, broken color.
Standards light cream to blue, pale violet with age, light tan inside center, random splotches of grape-purple especially near the edge, wavy; style arms light violet-blue, tan underside; falls light cream or blue ground, overlaid random grape-purple splotches, purple lines over tan at hafts; beards rust-yellow in throat, lemon-yellow middle and ends; slight fragrance.
Honorable Mention, 2023.
(Bennett Jones, 1990), SDB, 11", midseason bloom.
Flax blue with deeper blended spot on falls; self beard.
High Commendation 1989; Honorable Mention 1993; Award of Merit 1995; Cook-Douglas Medal 1997.
(Paul Black, 2013), MDB, 7.5", early to midseason bloom and rebloom.
Standards pale buff-pink, mid red-violet plicata stitched edge, random dotting over center, dark purple-black midrib; style arms red-grape crest and midrib, light rose edge; falls buff-cream, widely spaced purple-black eye lash lines along beards extending 3/4 way down falls, grape sanding on outer edge of haft; beards red-orange in throat, mid-orange in middle, white ends, hairs based white; slight sweet fragrance.
Honorable Mention 2015, Award Of Merit 2017, Caparne-Welch Medal 2019.
'Beta Gnu' (Brad Kasperek, 2009), SPEC-X, 21", early to midseason bloom, broken color.
Standards violet purple, streaked silver white, occasional light yellow streaks; style arms cream light yellow, violet purple and white streaks; Falls violet purple, streaked white, cream or light yellow in widely varying combinations; beards deep yellow in throat, yellow tips in middle, white at end; slight fragrance.
(M. Sutton, 2020), SDB, 12", early bloom.
Michael Sutton, 2020), SDB, 12" (30 cm), Early bloom.
Standards and style arms violet-blue; falls deep violet, violet-blue edge; beards white; slight sweet fragrance.
Honorable Mention 2023.
Photo courtesy of Suttons Iris Garden
(Thomas Johnson, 2017), SDB, 15", early.
Standards light lemon yellow, deeper in center; style arms extremely light yellow; falls light yellow, deeper yellow wash around beard; beards large, bushy, deep inky blue; slight fragrance.
Honorable Mention 2019; Award of Merit 2021.
(Paul Black, 2006), SDB, 14.5", late midseason bloom.
Standards and style arms white, Standards fine green-gold veins up rib networking outward; falls white, very fine network of greenish texture veins; beards dark indigo; ruffled; slight sweet fragrance.
Honorable Mention 2008; Walther Cup 2008. Award of Merit 2010; Cook Douglas Medal 2012.
(Chuck Chapman, 2002), SDB, 11", early bloom + reblooms.
Standards blue, dark violet red near base; style arms blue; Falls reddish tan, brownish red central spot fading to blue edge, short blue spear at end of dark blue beard; tailored, flared.
Honorable Mention 2005; Award of Merit 2008
(Paul Black, 2010), SDB, 13", midseason late bloom.
Standards and style arms medium slate violet; Falls medium-dark red plum, wide blended and veined red violet band; beards orange in throat, grey orange in middle, light blue at end; pronounced spicy fragrance.
Honorable Mention 2012.
(Paul Black, 2020), TB, 32", early to midseason bloom, broken color.
Standards blue-white, randomly streaked mid lilac; style arms mid violet, mid gold edge and ridge; falls white hafts lined and sanded mid rose-plum, remainder pale straw randomly streaked varying hues of red to rose-grape; beard hairs based white, tips butterscotch; pronounced sweet fragrance.
(Donald Spoon, 2011), SDB, 9 (23 cm), Early midseason bloom and rebloom.
Standards peachy-orange, style arms peachy-orange, darker at midribs and edges; falls orange; beards solid spectrum red; erect standards, flared falls; ruffled.
(Richard Tasco, 2008), SDB, 13.5", midseason bloom and rebloom.
Standards barium yellow; style arms cold white, light barium yellow edge and crest; falls barium yellow, lemon yellow around beard; beards white tipped tangerine, white at end; heavily ruffled; slight citrus fragrance.
Honorable Mention 2011.
(Paul Black, 2017), SDB, 13", early to midseason bloom, broken color.
Standards mid khaki, silvery white rim, mid wine mottled base; style arms light buff-pink, mid old gold crest and ridge; falls light butter around beard, remainder red-plum wash with random cream streaks; beard hairs based white, mid old gold in throat, mid-light old gold in middle, ends white.
(Marky Smith, 2009), SDB, 13", early bloom season.
Standards oyster cream; style arms pale grey, crests oyster cream; falls blackened mulberry, cream wire rim, cream feathers around beard; beards yellow orange in throat, yellow tipped cream in middle, cream at end; ruffled.
Honorable Mention 2014, Award of Merit 2017.
(Paul Black, 2020), SDB, 15.5" (39 cm), Midseason to late bloom.
Standards light straw, flushed violet base and inside lower center; style arms light-mid straw; falls light lilac-rose washed over buff ground, dark ruby red blended spot in center ¹⁄₃; beard hairs based light lavender, tips greyed tangerine.
(Tom Burseen, 2014), TB, 35" tall, early to midseason to late bloom, broken color.
Standards pure white, red-purple random splattering; style arms white, washed gold; falls pure white, yellow-gold washed hafts, random dark purple splatters; beards poppy orange, tattered and feathered white horns, gold stems; flared and ruffled; slight sweet fragrance.
Honorable Mention 2017; Award of Merit 2019; John C. Wister Medal 2021; Favorite Guest 2023. Novelty Iris; Dykes Medal 2023.
(Paul Black, 2015), MDB, 7.5", midseason to late bloom and re-bloom.
Standards green-white fading to white; style arms white, mid violet in heart; falls white, dark burgundy spot bisected by white wedge stripe from beard to edge, white rays over haft surrounded by olive-brown veins; beards mid lavender; slight sweet fragrance.
Honorable Mention 2017; Award of Merit 2019; Caparne-Welch medal 2021.
(Paul Black, 2005), SDB, 14", midseason to late bloom.
Standards burnished greenish gold; style arms white, greenish gold rib and crest; falls pale greenish yellow, slightly darker haft; beards dark indigo; ruffled; slight sweet fragrance.
Honorable Mention 2008.
(David Toth, 2022), IB, 22", Midseason bloom.
Standards golden honey, slight violet cast on midrib; style arms golden honey; falls same, violet blaze, dark orange specks on shoulders; beard hairs based orange, tips red, upward violet horns, mostly smooth; slight spicy fragrance.
(J. Terry Aitken, 2016), MDB, 5" tall, midseason bloom.
Standards brilliant orange crush orange; style arms brilliant orange; falls brilliant orange, red-orange spot, orange zonal spot at hafts; beards brilliant orange.
Honorable Mention 2017; Award of Merit 2019; Caparne-Welch Medal 2021.
(Hugh Stout, 2018), SDB, 14"-15", early midseason bloom.
Standards creamy pale yellow (at times whiter), slight blue-green stripe half way up midrib; style arms creamy pale yellow; falls creamy pale yellow (at times whiter) ground luminata pattern, cream-white area around beards, medium violet-blue wash in center on ²⁄₃ of petal, edges creamy yellow on remaining ¹⁄₃ of petal; beard hairs based white, tips golden orange; ruffled; slight sweet fragrance.
Honorable Mention 2021; Award of Merit 2023.
(Paul Black, 2013), SDB, 14", midseason to late bloom.
Standards light buff-peach, lilac haze over center, narrow buff band; style arms mid buff-peach, pink midrib, pale rose center; falls pale buff-peach patch around beards, veined mid plum transitioning to mottled plum band, outer 1/3 washed light lilac, tan-peach rim; beards mid orange; pronounced sweet fragrance.
(Carol Coleman, 2006), SDB, 11.5" (29 cm), Midseason bloom.
Standards white, light green midrib; style arms white edged very light yellow, light lavender stigmatic lip, fringed; falls white, chrome yellow haft marks, plum spot edged 1/4" white; beards light yellow-gold at end, medium yellow-orange in middle, dark yellow-orange in throat; slight sweet fragrance.
Honorable Mention 2011; Award of Merit 2014.
(Bennett Jones, 1968), SDB, 14", midseason bloom.
Deep brown self; blue-purple beard.
High Commendation 1968, Award of Merit 1972, Cook-Douglas Medal 1974.
(Brad Kasperek, 1994), TB, 38" tall, early bloom season, broken color.
Standards light tan fading to grey, slight violet on midribs-streaked silver white; style arms tan, violet lip; falls dark to medium violet highlighted with creamy white streaking; beards yellow, tipped violet; lightly ruffled; slight sweet fragrance.
Honorable Mention 1998, Award of Merit 2000.
(O. David Niswonger, 1989), SDB, 12" (30 cm), Midseason bloom.
Ruffled chartreuse with burgundy spot on falls; white beard tipped blue.
Honorable Mention 1992; Award of Merit 1994.
Photo: Delane Langton at Eagle Ridge Iris Gardens
(Hugh Stout, 2018), SDB, 11", early midseason bloom.
Standards and style arms bright light yellow; falls rufous-mahogany, yellow veining in hafts, dark rufous veins down petal, tight yellow edge; beard hairs based white, tips orange peel; slight sweet fragrance.
Honorable Mention 2023.
(Thomas Johnson, 2006), SDB, 12", midseason bloom, broken color.
Standards ecru, irregular violet spots; style arms pinkish rose, turquoise at rib, ecru crest; falls ecru, brassy olive hafts, irregular violet spots, white dart at end of beards merging into blue center line; beards yellow tipped white; broken color pattern; slight sweet fragrance.
Honorable Mention 2008, Award of Merit 2011.
(Donald Sorensen, 2010), SDB, 12", midseason bloom and rebloom.
Standards yellow; style arms yellow; falls white, yellow central area veined dark brown, light yellow edge, small white center line; beards yellow gold in throat, medium yellow in middle, white base, hairs tipped light yellow at end; slight musky fragrance.
(Marky Smith, 2013), SDB, 10.5", early midseason bloom.
Standards luminous grey-yellow, darker smoked midrib, domed; style arm midribs cream-peach, crests gold-peach; falls grey-yellow ground completely obscured by heavy grey-purple lines, almost burgundy, brighter gold-yellow area with dark veins surrounding beard, dark violet midline from top of beard to distal tip, thin purple ring at base of beard; beard bittersweet, fuzzy grey-red; ruffled edges.
(Thomas Johnson, 2017), SDB, 15", midseason to late bloom.
Standards warm pink, slight yellow influence; style arms warm pink; falls same, lighter below beard; beards deep fully saturated blue.
Honorable Mention 2019; Award of Merit 2021.
(Paul Black, 2010), SDB, 15", midseason late bloom.
Standards and style arms white; falls white, large irregularly blended inky dark-blue spot, white darts in throat; beards white; pronounced sweet fragrance.
Honorable Mention 2012, Award of Merit 2014, Cook Douglas Medal 2016.