(Carol Coleman, 2012), SDB, 10.5"-13”, early bloom season.
Standards pale green-yellow, midrib dark purple; style arms pale green-yellow, brilliant blue-purple midrib, edge pale-purple, small very pale purple eyelash lines above stigmatic lip; Falls strong purple, dark purple thumbprint around beard, small pale green-yellow front edge; beard base mid-orange in throat and middle, brilliant blue-purple at end, tips brilliant blue-purple in middle and light blue at end; purple based foliage; slight sweet fragrance.
(Thomas Johnson, 2017), SDB, 14", Late midseason bloom.
Standards tan to muted yellow; style arms light blue; Falls large brown spot encircled by a diffused yellow edge blending to a lavender washed band, yellow edge; beards brown and tangerine in throat, ends bushy blue; slight fragrance.
Standards light cream to blue, pale violet with age, light tan inside center, random splotches of grape-purple especially near the edge, wavy; style arms light violet-blue, tan underside; falls light cream or blue ground, overlaid random grape-purple splotches, purple lines over tan at hafts; beards rust-yellow in throat, lemon-yellow middle and ends; slight fragrance.
(Paul Black, 2013), MDB, 7.5", early to midseason bloom and rebloom.
Standards pale buff-pink, mid red-violet plicata stitched edge, random dotting over center, dark purple-black midrib; style arms red-grape crest and midrib, light rose edge; falls buff-cream, widely spaced purple-black eye lash lines along beards extending 3/4 way down falls, grape sanding on outer edge of haft; beards red-orange in throat, mid-orange in middle, white ends, hairs based white; slight sweet fragrance.
Honorable Mention 2015, Award Of Merit 2017, Caparne-Welch Medal 2019.
(Paul Black, 2006), SDB, 14.5", late midseason bloom.
Standards and style arms white, Standards fine green-gold veins up rib networking outward; falls white, very fine network of greenish texture veins; beards dark indigo; ruffled; slight sweet fragrance.
Honorable Mention 2008; Walther Cup 2008. Award of Merit 2010; Cook Douglas Medal 2012.
(Chuck Chapman, 2002), SDB, 11", early bloom + reblooms.
Standards blue, dark violet red near base; style arms blue; Falls reddish tan, brownish red central spot fading to blue edge, short blue spear at end of dark blue beard; tailored, flared.
(Paul Black, 2010), SDB, 13", midseason late bloom.
Standards and style arms medium slate violet; Falls medium-dark red plum, wide blended and veined red violet band; beards orange in throat, grey orange in middle, light blue at end; pronounced spicy fragrance.
(Paul Black, 2017), SDB, 13", early to midseason bloom, broken color.
Standards mid khaki, silvery white rim, mid wine mottled base; style arms light buff-pink, mid old gold crest and ridge; falls light butter around beard, remainder red-plum wash with random cream streaks; beard hairs based white, mid old gold in throat, mid-light old gold in middle, ends white.
(Paul Black, 2020), SDB, 15.5" (39 cm), Midseason to late bloom.
Standards light straw, flushed violet base and inside lower center; style arms light-mid straw; falls light lilac-rose washed over buff ground, dark ruby red blended spot in center ¹⁄₃; beard hairs based light lavender, tips greyed tangerine.
(Tom Burseen, 2014), TB, 35" tall, early to midseason to late bloom, broken color.
Standards pure white, red-purple random splattering; style arms white, washed gold; falls pure white, yellow-gold washed hafts, random dark purple splatters; beards poppy orange, tattered and feathered white horns, gold stems; flared and ruffled; slight sweet fragrance.
Honorable Mention 2017; Award of Merit 2019; John C. Wister Medal 2021; Favorite Guest 2023. Novelty Iris; Dykes Medal 2023.
(Paul Black, 2015), MDB, 7.5", midseason to late bloom and re-bloom.
Standards green-white fading to white; style arms white, mid violet in heart; falls white, dark burgundy spot bisected by white wedge stripe from beard to edge, white rays over haft surrounded by olive-brown veins; beards mid lavender; slight sweet fragrance.
Honorable Mention 2017; Award of Merit 2019; Caparne-Welch medal 2021.
(Hugh Stout, 2018), SDB, 14"-15", early midseason bloom.
Standards creamy pale yellow (at times whiter), slight blue-green stripe half way up midrib; style arms creamy pale yellow; falls creamy pale yellow (at times whiter) ground luminata pattern, cream-white area around beards, medium violet-blue wash in center on ²⁄₃ of petal, edges creamy yellow on remaining ¹⁄₃ of petal; beard hairs based white, tips golden orange; ruffled; slight sweet fragrance.
Standards white, light green midrib; style arms white edged very light yellow, light lavender stigmatic lip, fringed; falls white, chrome yellow haft marks, plum spot edged 1/4" white; beards light yellow-gold at end, medium yellow-orange in middle, dark yellow-orange in throat; slight sweet fragrance.
Standards light tan fading to grey, slight violet on midribs-streaked silver white; style arms tan, violet lip; falls dark to medium violet highlighted with creamy white streaking; beards yellow, tipped violet; lightly ruffled; slight sweet fragrance.
Standards ecru, irregular violet spots; style arms pinkish rose, turquoise at rib, ecru crest; falls ecru, brassy olive hafts, irregular violet spots, white dart at end of beards merging into blue center line; beards yellow tipped white; broken color pattern; slight sweet fragrance.
(Donald Sorensen, 2010), SDB, 12", midseason bloom and rebloom.
Standards yellow; style arms yellow; falls white, yellow central area veined dark brown, light yellow edge, small white center line; beards yellow gold in throat, medium yellow in middle, white base, hairs tipped light yellow at end; slight musky fragrance.
(Marky Smith, 2013), SDB, 10.5", early midseason bloom.
Standards luminous grey-yellow, darker smoked midrib, domed; style arm midribs cream-peach, crests gold-peach; falls grey-yellow ground completely obscured by heavy grey-purple lines, almost burgundy, brighter gold-yellow area with dark veins surrounding beard, dark violet midline from top of beard to distal tip, thin purple ring at base of beard; beard bittersweet, fuzzy grey-red; ruffled edges.